Christchurch Tramping Club
Welcome! The Christchurch Tramping Club (CTC) is one of Christchurch's largest tramping clubs. We run a range of day and overnight trips most weekends as well as regular socials. Our trips range from easy (minimal experience required) to hard (high level of fitness and experience required). We also organise instruction courses and have a range of equipment for hire
We're a friendly and social club and always welcome new members, whatever your age, ability or background!
Next Social
CTC Annual General Meeting
- The door opens at 7:00 pm. The AGM starts at 7.30 PM
- Club Rooms (110 Waltham Road)
Upcoming Trips
Curry Track/Ellangowan Reserve/Takamatua Valley
- Day
- Easy/Moderate
Avalanche Loop #2 -Rome Ridge, Avalanche, Scotts Loop
- Day
- Moderate/Hard
Port Hills Walking Marathon #6: Lyttelton to Lyttelton
- Day
- Moderate / Hard
Wednesday Social Walk #71 – Tauhinukorokio/Mt Pleasant via the Pipeline
- Day
- Easy(ish) - the pipeline is steep but we're not in a hurry.
Te ao Whekere
- Weekend
- Moderate/Hard
Casey Saddle – Binser Saddle Route, Arthur’s Pass
- Weekend
- Easy/Moderate
Kokatahi Valley - Track Cutting
- Multiday
- Moderate
Tenting by the Tarn above the head of Shaw Stream
- Weekend
- Moderate
Peak Hill
- Day
- Easy/Moderate
Okuti Valley to Hilltop Return
- Day
- Easy/Moderate
Christchurch Tramping Club
Welcome! The Christchurch Tramping Club (CTC) is one of Christchurch's largest tramping clubs. We run a range of day and overnight trips most weekends as well as regular socials. Our trips range from easy (minimal experience required) to hard (high level of fitness and experience required). We also organise instruction courses and have a range of equipment for hire
We're a friendly and social club and always welcome new members, whatever your age, ability or background!